Hey, Tom Hermstad with H&D Technologies here to give you another little tech vlog from H&D we call it. And I've been doing a number of different vlogs on the technical hiring process you need to be thinking about when you do a tech hire.

"What is my risk in my technology department?"

I mean, if you have one or even two tech guys, you have significant risk. If one or both of those guys leave, you're going to be in a bad situation. I guarantee they don't have the documentation and all the passwords and everything in an easy place for you to find. So you've got to be assessing risk within your department.



That's one of the reasons to use a Managed Services Provider (MSP), an IT outsourcing firm like ours, is that we don't quit.

We can help you retain those employees by training them effectively.

We can cover for you, if an employee leaves suddenly and you don't know what to do, and then we can help you hire, as I said in an earlier video, a technically capable person to do the job that you don't have to worry about wondering, can this person actually do what I just hired him to do?

So make sure and assess the risk that you have with your employees and your tech department. Again, if you have one or two people, you need to pull someone in to be the backstop to sit behind, to bring best practices, to help them with training so that you don't get hammered if somebody or both of them leave.

Have a great one! Stay safe out there.