Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Continuity refers to the ability to get your systems running quickly during an outage. When your server goes down and can't be brought back up - now what? If you have regular, non-image based backups, here are the steps: Find ...

Marketing Tip: Don't Get Blacklisted!

There is a common mistake that many business make when sending marketing or information-based emails: sending out email blasts from their corporate email account to groups in excess of 25 recipients and getting blacklisted. For example, if your corporate email ...

Run - Don't Walk - to Hard Disk-Based Backups

This is the second installment in the backup series, the first being on the use of tape. We are currently in the best place for backups in the 30 years I've been doing IT. Disk-based backups are awesome! The best! ...

Backups: Beware of Tape!

You're going to be hearing a lot on backups in the coming weeks, a favorite topic and one that often is ignored by business owners. Besides the work you perform on your systems, backups are the most important thing you ...

Does “Green Computing” Really Mean Savings $$$?

In a word yes, and it’s good for our planet too.  In doing research for this blog post, I ran across some tips on the Journal of Accountancy Website for green computing. If accountants are concerned about this issue, there ...

BYOD – the good vs. the ugly!

  If your company has opened its doors to the use of personal mobile devices, iPads and tablets for work purposes you are one of the many who are beginning to allow them into work.  Productivity is enhanced if an ...

Top 10 things to focus on for your IT in 2013 (5 now and 5 later)

  a continuation from last weeks post, 6-10 of the top 10 IT focus areas for 2013...   6) Virtualization. The days of having an actual hardware server for each business function (file storage, database, email) are over, you can ...

Top 10 IT things to focus on for 2013 (5 now and 5 later)

  It's the new year, and like everyone else I'm thinking about goals and new years resolutions. I thought it a good time to give you-gentle reader-my list of things to do for your systems in '13.   1) Move ...

Cloud Backups

  It's Sunday, and I'm looking outside at the gray 'June gloom' day in California, and I'm thinking about clouds. Why not talk about 'cloud' backups? Firstly, a quick update on the cloud. The term gets bandy about a lot ...

iPads continue dominance-can they be used for everything?

  Recently one of our clients asked us why his laptop didn't work as well at his iPad. Ok he didn't say it that nice, but that was the intent. And while we've had iPads from the beginning, it gave ...